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Uganda elections 2021: What you need to know

 Ugandans are voting in a general election following a campaign marked by violence which has killed dozens of people. President Yoweri Museveni is seeking his sixth elected term in office after 35 years in power. The 76-year-old faces 10 challengers, most notably Bobi Wine. Human rights groups have accused security forces of using excessive force…

New coronavirus variant: What do we know?

The rapid spread of a new variant of coronavirus has been blamed for the introduction of strict tier four mixing rules for millions of people, harsher restrictions on mixing at Christmas in England, Scotland and Wales, and other countries placing the UK on a travel ban. So how has it gone from being non-existent to…

WHO urges tougher measures to curb alarming variant

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on European countries to do more to curb a new variant of coronavirus that was first detected in the UK. WHO Europe director Hans Kluge said tougher measures were needed to “flatten the steep vertical line” of rising cases in some countries. He said 22 European countries now…

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